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Inspiring the Next Generation with Biobased Composites at NEMO Science Centre

The future of biobased engineering starts with inspiring the next generation. Our groundbreaking Nabasco biobased material embodies this vision, demonstrating the transformative power of biobased composites. Recently, Nabasco has been featured in an innovative children's exposition at the NEMO Science Centre in Amsterdam, showcasing the endless possibilities of sustainable materials.

Imagine a world where buildings are constructed not just with concrete and steel, but with materials that are kind to our planet. Nabasco is leading this charge, combining beauty and sustainability in a way that captivates and educates.

Learn about biobased materials

As children explore the NEMO Science Centre, they are not just seeing an exhibit; they are glimpsing the future. In NEMO’s new Technium exhibition, visitors unravel the technology around them and experience how we design, create, and use technology to change the world. NEMO aims to convey that technology is everywhere and indispensable. Most importantly, it is up to us to decide how to use technology for a healthier and more sustainable world. Therefore, there is also attention to the influence of humans and the effects of technology use, such as the depletion of natural resources and the production of waste. This is exactly what NPSP stands for.

Géke Roelink, director of NEMO Science Museum, states, "Technology is truly everywhere. But what does that actually mean for humans? And for the world? With this new exhibition, we show visitors the relationship between humans and technology. We let them discover the world around them in a different way."

Discover bio-based composites

We envision that visitors will touch the smooth surface of the biobased facades made with Nabasco and learn about its origins, sparking questions and ideas about how they, too, can contribute to a sustainable world. This interaction is crucial; it plants the seeds of innovation and environmental stewardship in young minds.

Our goal at NPSP is to show that sustainable engineering is not just a concept, but a reality. By incorporating Nabasco into such a high-profile and engaging setting, we are demonstrating that the future of construction and design can be both beautiful and green. We hope that young visitors will leave NEMO inspired to think differently about the materials they use and the impact they have on the world.

We invite you to join us in exploring the future of biobased materials. Subscribe to our newsletter to learn more about our innovative projects and how we are shaping a sustainable future, one biocomposite at a time.
