
100% Biobased Facade gevelpanelen bij The Green Village

First 100% biobased facade panels demonstrated at The Green Village (Delft).

Storage of 20kg of CO2 per square meter of facade surface for a long time.

Facades are more than an important design tool, they also offer great opportunities to further make a building more sustainable and reduce the negative impact of the construction sector on the climate. For example, by designing facade elements in a circular way and producing them from local organic (residual) materials. NPSP developed a facade panel designed by Studio Marco Vermeulen, made from 100% biobased and waste material. These store CO2 and are fully recyclable at the end of their lifespan.

At The Green Village, their lifespan is being investigated and how this can be extended with the help of biobased coatings. In addition, research is being conducted into the additional added value of the freedom of shape of the panels.

